Urodynamic Testing in Atlanta, GA
What Is Urodynamics?
Urodynamics is a series of tests that evaluate how well your bladder, urinary sphincter, and urethra work. These tests focus on how well the bladder fills and empties. Urodynamic testing may be recommended if you have urinary incontinence (leakage of urine), recurrent bladder infections, slow or weak urinary stream, incomplete bladder emptying, or frequent urination. The tests provide important information in order for your physician to accurately diagnose and treat your bladder problems appropriately.
At Atlanta Gyn Center, we seek to provide the highest level of care through our highly skilled healthcare professionals and state-of-the-art technologies. We are devoted to addressing the individual needs and demands of patients in a warm and caring environment. Board-certified gynecologist Dr. Sharma has extensive training and experience performing advanced procedures including urodynamic testing.
Bladder Function Tests
Dr. Sharma may recommend urodynamics or urodynamic testing if you have:
- Urine leakage
- Frequent urination
- Painful urination
- Sudden, strong urges to urinate
- Problems starting a urine stream
- Problems emptying the bladder completely
Urodynamics tests can examine what the bladder and urethra are doing if urine leakage occurs. The tests can show if involuntary bladder contractions are causing urinary incontinence.
How Should You Prepare for Urodynamics?
Urodynamics typically takes about two hours and are generally painless, so anesthesia is not necessary. You will be able to resume all previous activities, including driving, at the completion of the study. Some results may be available immediately or the results may take several days.
Prior to your appointment, you will be mailed a questionnaire to complete regarding your bladder function, please bring this with you to the appointment. At the beginning of the test, you will be asked to urinate, please arrive for the study with a relatively full bladder. You may eat or drink anything prior to the study. Take your medications as normally scheduled, unless otherwise directed by your doctor.
What Happens During Urodynamics?
During the procedure, a catheter (soft, hollow tube) or special sensor will be carefully placed in your urethra and sometimes your rectum to perform the study. Dr. Sharma will decide which of the following tests need to be performed to help diagnose and treat your condition.
Types of Urodynamic Testing
There are different types of bladder function tests. Your provider selects the specific tests that you need.
- Uroflowmetry
- Post-void Residual Test
- Cystometrics
- Urethral Closure Testing
- Pressure Flow Study
- Electromyography (EMG)
- Pelvic Floor Therapy
- Video Urodynamic Tests
After The Procedure
After the test, you may notice stinging when you urinate. A warm bath or holding a warm cloth over the urethral opening may offer some relief. UTIs are uncommon after urodynamic testing, but you should call your provider if you have UTI symptoms.
Three Takeaways
- Most urodynamic tests can measure how well the bladder holds and releases urine. If you leak urine, testing can help find the cause.
- Review any special pre-test instructions. Plan to arrive with a full bladder.
- Potential side effects include stinging when you urinate for a few days after the test.
Urodynamic Testing Patient Guide
Schedule Your Urodynamics Testing in Atlanta, GA with Dr. Rita Sharma
To schedule your urodynamic testing with Dr. Sharma, call (770) 723-1545. Dr. Sharma can also help determine if urodynamic testing is the right option for you based on your individual needs and medical history. Don’t let urinary problems affect your quality of life – schedule your urodynamic testing today.